Laws of Life - "He who laughs, lasts." Mary Pettibone Poole

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
"He who laughs, lasts." Mary Pettibone Poole To enjoy a long, fulfilling life, one must possess happiness. Happiness makes a person more pleasant to be around, as well as making the person delight in the world around them. It takes a lot to be happy all the time, but it is a challenge that I am willing to take on. Happiness is more than a feeling; it is a state of mind. It shows the …

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…I enjoy spreading the joy I have inside me. Sometimes I even feel that it is going to just burst out of me. I like to volunteer with different organizations. I do whatever I can to help those around me share my joy. I am content with my life because I know I am blessed to have what I have. I have friends and family that care about me... Who could be unhappy with that?