Law vs. Justice

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
It has long been understood that there is a difference between law and justice. The Mallor text describes Legal Positivism and Natural Law and indicates the differences between the two are the unjust positive laws. This essay looks to, on a very basic level, examine and understand these differences. The essay first looks to understand what positive law and natural law mean, and then look at what is meant by the law of nature. Positive …

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…just is not law." Of course, it is not so easy as that. There many different influences on what is "right" or just. Time, place, situation, and people involved all have an influence over what may appear to be justified. And although there are many unjust laws, justice is still the aim of the legal system. Laws, after all, are designed to protect people from each other. And only justifiable laws can do this effectively.