Law And The Government Trashing the incumbent : Lesson From Canada

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Trashing the incumbent: Lesson from Canada IN 1984, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney was swept to power in the biggest landslide in Canadian history. But unpopular economic policies and his failure to resolve a dispute with French speaking Quebec undermined his political popularity and support, which eventually turned him into one of Canada's most unpopular leaders ever. Son of a poor Irish immigrant in the northern Quebec, Mulroney announced he will not lead the conservatives into the1993 …

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…other hand, is left with the limited choices of lowering fuel taxes, thereby forfeiting important tax revenue, or giving direct financial assistance to low income families, using public funds to do so. In either case, the transnational energy companies get to deflect attention from their outrageous profits, and the demand for their environmentally harmful products continues to grow. Jean Chrétien is looking for an election issue. I'd say we have one.