Laurier, Canada's loved prime minister. Did he help unite Canada as a nation or not solve any problems.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Global Economy
During Sir Wilfred Laurier's fifteen years as Canada's liberal prime minister, he proved to the world what Canada really was. Laurier was effective because of his policies on promoting Canadian industries, expanding the railway, encouraging national unity and most importantly the creation of two new provinces because of increased immigration. Laurier acted fairly to the French and the British, being the first Canadian prime minister who was a French-Canadian. Not only did he help the …

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…thought and still think that people equals power. While Laurier was uniting the west, he won a landslide victory, winning all the provinces but Prince Edward Island. The Prairies also had conflicts regarding Catholics and Protestants. Laurier tried to compromise like the separate schools in Ontario but it did not end happy. Another reason for him losing in 1911 was because he lost the extreme Catholics voted him out when he did not fill their needs.