Laughter Therapy

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Laughter Therapy Laughter therapy is a form of therapy that encourages people to use the natural, physiological process of laugher to release painful emotions like anger, fear, helplessness, depression and stress. Humour helps give us perspective to our problems and makes us have a positive and hopeful attitude, that is why it is such a great relaxation method. The first documented case of "humour positively affecting disease" was in 1964 when Norman Cousins, published "Anatomy of …

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…need to be relaxed. It is a proven method to make you become healthier. According to the County Health Unit, people who participate in laughter therapy produce a higher level in their immune system and can fight off illnesses, like the flu and common cold, better than a person who doesn't. I would recommend laughter therapy to someone who has a lot of stress in their life and needs to relax in a natural way.