Latin American Paintings.

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Essay Database > History
I INTRODUCTION. Latin American Painting, painting produced after the arrival of Spanish and Portuguese colonists in South America, Central America, and Mexico. The blend of European and indigenous (native) American cultures that characterizes Latin America today began to develop in the late 15th century. The Latin American artistic tradition was founded upon ancient, highly developed pre-Columbian civilizations, most notably those of the Aztec and Maya in Mexico and the Inca in Peru (see Pre-Columbian Art …

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…struggle for social change to personal explorations of ethnic origins and archetypal myths. The surrealist movement continued unabated in Latin America at the end of the 20th century, influencing contemporary artists as diverse as Roberto Aizenburg of Argentina, Fernando Botero of Colombia, Claudio Bravo of Chile, José Luis Cuevas and Nahum B. Zenil of Mexico, Armando Morales of Nicaragua, and Tomás Sánchez of Cuba.