Latin American Immigration

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Essay Database > History
The twentieth century, specifically the period of after WWII was a period of great change for Latin America. One of these changes has been immigration from Latin American countries such as Mexico, Haiti, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and etc. Many people incorrectly believe most Latin Americans who leave their countries immigrate to the US, but this number is small compared to the number of people who have migrated within thier countries. Since about 1950, Latin America …

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…San Diego on "the other side" (Winn 227). The North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) agreement between the US and Mexico has been the main reason for this development. While maquiladoras have provided work for many migrants, mostly young women, they have by no means been a solution to Mexico's problems. They are a quick fix for a problem that had started after WWII and has yet to be resolved. The maquiladiras will run ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**