Latin America

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In chapter thirty-one many different aspects of 20th century Latin America are discussed. After the passing of the 19th century Latin America was not only able to continue to function without creating a new nationhood but also able to stay away from warfare and conflicts that would destroy the country. The only major war that occurred was from 1932-1935 was the Chaco war between Bolivia and Paraguay. One unfortunate aspect was that there was violence …

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…how Latin America took some Western aspects of life and transferred them into Latin American life styles. Even today Latin America is still behind Western cultures, but in time with persistence and good political leaders Latin America may become less dependent on the West and become a society with great influence in the 20th century. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Works Cited Stearns, N. Peter. World History in Brief. 3rd ed. New York: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc., Copyright 1999.