Larry Legend

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Larry Bird One of the greatest basketball players of all time emerged from the small town of French Lick, Indiana. With a population of 2,059 people, around 1,600 of them came to watch the Valley High basketball games, especially the blond-haired shooting whiz with a funny smile named Larry Joe Bird. Following a sophomore season that was shortened by a broken ankle, Bird erupted as a junior. Springs Valley went 19-2 and young Larry became a local …

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…Mark Price, Rick Barry, Calvin Murphy, and Scott Skiles. Larry Joe and his wife Dinah have two children: Connor and Mariah. He has four brothers and one sister; his mother's name is Georgia. Bird is an avid outdoorsman and has a passion for country music, auto racing and the St. Louis Cardinals. He also owns "Larry Bird's Boston Connection," a hotel/restaurant in Terre Haute, where a street was named in his honor on August 4, 1984.