Lani Guinier's writing "Second Proms and Second Primaries" and Malcolm Gladwell's "The Power of Context".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Nicholas Stryker October 15, 2002 Essay 3 In Lani Guinier's writing "Second Proms and Second Primaries" she discusses the polarized voting problem in Phillips County Arkansas. In Malcolm Gladwell's "The Power of Context" he discusses the crime epidemic in New York City. Within both of these scenarios the people involved are looking for a way to solve their problem. One way to try and fix these problems is to use the Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE). The FAE can …

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…themselves possibly needing assistance of a white district but not receiving it. When trying to solve a problem with the FAE the solution will not be positive; that is why the FAE is an error. She got in an accident because she is a bad driver. One neglects to consider the situation that someone had pulled out in front of her. When judging mistakes based on character it is difficult to find solutions to problems.