Languge is a virus

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
Language is a virus A written work, whether it is a story, a poem or a song, can be as vague and indeterminable as a painting and given to many different interpretations. It gives an opportunity for the reader to use his imagination and his emotions in absorbing the writing and comprehending its meaning. The interpretation of written work varies with circumstances, such as different cultures, religions, historical times or just personal feelings. Folk tales …

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…through different media, but primarily through writing. Depending on the subject and the quality, it can spread widely, become a chronic illness (in a positive as well as a negative way) or disappear completely. It is a virus which attacks a reader as well as a writter. It should not be treated by different remedies, but it should also not be left alone. If good, it should be cherished, if bad it should be exterminated.