Languae in chlidren today

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
Year 11 Speech good morning ladies and gentlemen. This is just some of the language that people have to listen to almost every day, and don't fell it is very appropriate. I am speaking here today to inform the general public on the appalling growth of course language. This increase of course language has occurred amongst all different age groups. I believe That the language of tomorrows society is determined fully upon the youth and their …

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…lock up for swearing , so don't, just make them do community service or something on that line. This problem of course language will not fix it self, I feel a really good way to help stop it accruing in our community, would be to start at home by teaching our own children not to use this language in any way or under circumstances, then if or when they use it punish them accordantly. thank you...