Land of Dreams by Joan Lowery Nixon

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'Land of Dreams' By: Joan Lowery Nixon Characters List: 1) Kristian Swensen 2) Her father 3) Her mother 4) Jenny Berglund 5) Johan Olsen Setting: This story takes place on a farm in Minnesota. Kristian just moved from Sweden to the United States of America. This story sounds like it came from the 1920's to 1940's. It is full of dialog. Plot: Kristian Swenson, a 16 year old Swedish girl, immigrates to the United States to seek a new life. Kristian …

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…of the story. Who would have thought? Evaluation: From this story, I have learned that not all dreams just 'come true'. It needs hard determination and effort to get the miracle. Although 'Land of Dreams' is fiction, it does show real life experiences of immigrants to the United States. That I will remember. Rating gave after reading this book on a scale of 5 *'s **** Rating gave after reading this book on a scale of 5 *'s ****