Lake of Healing

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The ghost-like vapor shrouded the landscape with clouds of spirits and glowing white phantoms. The mist slowly drifted through the sky and around the jagged peeks of a silver gray mountain. Deep within that mountain ran a river. The river was a river of hope, of dreams, and of purity. Wise shamans told of it, children dreamt of it, and men wept over it. It was the river of Gods and Goddesses. It came up …

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…red crystal. The crystal grew out from under his fingernails and up his arms and legs. Soon his whole body was crystallized. The heavy crystal body plummeted to the bottom of the lake, breaking in half at its floor. The lake was much to sacredfor a cold human corps. It meant nothing to the Gods and would simply join the crystals grim design, an elaborate human skull at the bottom of the lake of healing.