Laetrile is an Effective Treatment for CAncer

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Laetrile Is An Effective Treatment For Cancer Many people in the world today suffer from various forms of cancer. Some types are carcinoma, leukemia, sarcoma, lymphoma, and melanoma. One out of three of us will develop cancer in our lifetime. That is eighty-eight million people in the United States alone. And according to the American Cancer Society, 1.3 million new cases of cancer were diagnosed in 1996 and more than 555,000 died from it. One out of eight …

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…effective ways of curing cancer out there. And it seems pretty natural and safe. The website I visited had so many testimonials of the treatment being a success. I really believe that the seeds and extracts are the way to go in terms of dealing with cancer. If it wasn't effective, many people would be dying from the cyanide that is supposedly lethal. There has been much research and proof that laetrile does indeed work.