Labour & Globalization: The Dysfunctional Marriage

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Through globalization, capitalism has triggered an increasing and overwhelming disregard for the well-being and sanctity of the human body. This unrelenting mentality of modern capitalist authorities (namely corporation heads and/or politicians) that there will always be someone 'available for the job' has been the cause of tremendous pressures placed on employees, pressures felt by labourers the world over. The commoditization of the human body in terms or labour, sex and organ trades, and even …

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…so thin that many have become oblivious to its very existence. Works Cited: Dirty Pretty Things. Dir. Stephen Frears. Perf. Chiwetel Ejiofor, Audrey Tautou. United Kingdom, 2002. Harvey, David. "Ch. 6: The Body as an accumlation strategy". Spaces of Hope. Edinburgh University Press, 2000. 97-130. Scheper-Huges, Nancy. "The Global Traffic in Human Organs". The Anthropology of Globalization. Ed. Ibid, 270*308. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002. Simmel, George. "Money and Commodity Culture". Simmel on Culture. Ed. David Frisby, Mike Featherstone. London: Sage, 1997. 233-254.