Labor Unions DBQ

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Frank Lee 3/5/01 AP American History DBQ- Labor Unions I learned how to use a thesaurus!! YAY =P Subsequent to the Civil War, the Second Industrial Revolution occurred, bringing in swarms of immigrants who consented to procure factory jobs with minimal pay. Radical ideas concerning labor were formed in Europe over time, and the immigrants assimilated those ideas into the American Labor System. Organized labor from 1875 to the end of the century was relatively successful given …

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…In 1894, Labor Day became recognized by the general public as well as the government as a national holiday celebrating the achievement of those oppressed by employers for a prolonged length of time. Notwithstanding the impediments of opposition from employers and the Federal Government, the laborers were to an extent victorious in paving the way for increases workers rights and privileges. We must all be proud of the sacrifices made to attain such goals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**