Labor Relations Paper

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Introduction Labor relations as defined in the text is the field that emphasizes the skills managers and union leaders can use to minimize costly forms of conflicts (such as strikes) and seek win-win solutions to disagreements (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhert, Wright, 2003, p 442). Unions are defined in the text as organizations formed for the purpose of representing their members' interest in dealing with employees (Noe, et al, 2003, p 441). In this paper, I will identify how unions and …

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…lt;Tab/>Irwin, 1980), p. 395; J. A. Fossum, Labor Relations (Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2002), pp. 448-52. Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright (2006). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations. Retrieved June 4, 2006 from Department of Human Resources, University of Phoenix Trade union. (2006, June 2). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved June 6, 2006, from