Labor Relations

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > History
This paper will attempt to discuss the pros and cons of trade unionism, as it exists in the United States. To understand the pros and cons, it is important to understand the environment in which trade unionism developed and the needs they attempted to satisfy. It will discuss the evolution of Trade Unionism through the centuries. From that understanding we can discuss the topic as it relates to our current environment. Historians agree that American …

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…be to the detriment of the American Society as a whole. Bibliography Works Cited Borenstein, Jerry. Unions in Transition. New York Simon ans Schuster. 1981 Reynolds, Morgan. Poer and Privilege. New York. Universe Books. 1984. Freeman, Richard. Medoff, James. What Do Unions Do. New York. Basic Books. 1984. Quinn, Daniel. Labor Management Relations. New York McGraw-Hill. 1994 Hiatt, Jonathan. Union Survival Strategies for the 21st Century. on-line http// March 1996. Kameras, David. AFLCIO News .