Lab Report for Group I Cations

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EXPERIMENT 9: GROUP II CATIONS PURPOSE Numeric values are not the end all and be all of chemistry experiments. Qualitative observations are equally important as indicators of chemical change and the nature of the reactants participating in a chemical reaction. In this experiment, the focus was on qualitative analysis of the Group II cations, Cu2+, Bi3+, Pb2+, Sn4+ (DePaul University, 89). Through a process of rapidly spinning the solutions in a centrifuge, adding different acids to the …

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…is marked by a color change, a qualitative observation. This experiment further proves that qualitative observations are extremely important in the process of determining any unknown and in the field of chemistry as a whole. Works Cited: Jeschofnig, Peter. "Qualitative Analysis of Group II Cations." Online. 2001. DePaul University, Department of Chemistry. "CHE 131: General Chemistry <Tab/>Laboratory Manual." Chicago, IL. Winter, 2006.