Lab Animal Experimentation

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Abstract My research paper is about lab animal experimentations the pros and cons of experiments, and alternatives to the experiments. I am discussing three types of experiments they are biomedical research specifically vivisection, the LD-50 test, and Draize testing. Each of the experiments is performed on many types of animals, however I will be focusing only on rabbits. Outline I. Background on Lab Animal Experimentation A. Information that has been consulted about these experiments B. …

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…we come up with the best of both worlds. Saving the life of the laboratory animal, and finding the cure for the ill child and saving their life. " It is imprudent to oppose all animal research perse: advocating nonanimal alternatives and appropriate funding to develop such alternatives is far more realistic. However, everyone should question the necessity of all research on animals that does not aim at preventing the major diseases that afflict humanity."(Fox 77)