LOOKING FOR ALIBRANDI: by Melina Marchetta: Josephine is a realistic heroine because she has as many flaws as virtues. Discuss.

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Josephine Alibrandi is one of the main characters in award winning novel Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta. A teenage girl, preparing to complete her HSC at St. Martha's, is confronted by her father, who she has never seen before, and had moved to Adelaide upon learning that Christina, Josie's mother, was pregnant. The arrival of her father, at her grandmother's home in Sydney, changes a lot of things in her family, but not all …

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…the sort of language that a teenager would use, but the words are probably more suited to teenagers when the book was written, but not today. This could be seen, as a flaw. In conclusion, Josephine gets along with her family and friends, despite her flaws. But a lot of the time, flaws can be viewed as virtues, it just depends on who the person is who is discussing that particular area of someone's personality.