Kurt Cobain: Legendary Rocker.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
With the release of their first album, Kurt Cobain's band, Nirvana, changed the rock scene forever. The innovative style of music paved the way for many modern bands. The lyrics spoke a message that had never before been voiced. Although he is no longer alive, Kurt Cobain continues to represent a force in contemporary society through his inspired lyrics and ground-breaking music. Nirvana released the album, 'Nevermind', on September 24, 1991. At the time, glam rock bands …

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…life when he realized the original purpose of his music was lost. This helped restore the force his music represented (www.brainyquotes.com/quotes). In his short life, Kurt Cobain made a difference that will last for generations. His original style changed the entire face of rock music. His emotional lyrics inspired teenagers across the country, if not the world. Finally, his tragic death ensured that his Seattle grunge band, Nirvana, will live on forever.