Kozol reveiw

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Abrar Adeel Soc 101 Prof. David Kutzik Public Education in the United States, programs of instruction offered to children, adolescents, and adults in the United States through schools and colleges operated by state and local governments. Unlike the nationally regulated and financed education systems of many other industrialized societies, American public education is primarily the responsibility of the states and individual school districts. The national system of formal education in the United States developed in the 19…

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…schools. Despite the use of judicial power to achieve desegregation and the presumed equality of educational opportunity it promised, many schools in the United States remained highly divided along racial lines. In conclusion, the problems facing the US schools continue to increase but everyone can have a hope that these forces will not undermine the innocence and quest of learning each child has when he steps out the door to head for school. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**