Kozara Mountain, Details the history of this mountain located in present day Yugoslavia.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Kozara, in Serbian and Bulgarian, means blackbird. The Kozara Mountain was named Kozara for the numerous numbers of blackbirds on the 3,000 ft mountain. In the twelfth century, all the land around the Kozara Mountain came under the rule of a Catholic royal family, the Babonics. They were from Croatia and named their kingdom Slavonia. To gain control, the monarchy exterminated all non-Catholics living there. The home of the royal family was a town at the …

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…had a total population of almost 27,000 people. The former homes of 47,000 people in Kozarac and on Kozara Mountain were emptied and destroyed. The Serbs did this because the people living there were mostly non-Serbs and Catholic or Muslim. Today, Kozara Mountain is a National Park. The Yugoslavian propaganda is evident because there is a concrete monument to the "heroic" Serbian Partisans. The park is a popular place for hunting birds. Especially, of course, for blackbirds.