Kosovo conflict

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Kosovo Background of Kosovo: -The Balkans have been a very unstable region for hundreds of years. The reason for contention is because of ethnic origin and disputes of which race owns which land.. That is the reason for the dispute over Kosovo is because of the same thing. This is a very complicated situation, that I don't really know everything about. I just kind of know the basics. Back in the 1500 hundreds, the Serbs conquered …

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…is worth more than thousands of albanian lives? My view: -I think that the U.S. should use the Powell strategy used in Desert Storm. "To use as much force as possible to overwhelm the opposition." I believe that a human life is worth the same no matter where that person is from. I believe that if the President is not willing to sacrifice allied lives to achieve military objectives, then we have no business