Koreans Facing Discrimination in America

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
In the early 19th century, Koreans came to the United States seeking freedom from Japanese rule and to maintain their Korean cultural identity. Like many other minorities, Korean immigrants experienced racial discrimination in the past and they also experience discrimination today. The Alien Land Act of 1913 was passed to prevent non-naturalized Koreans from owning property and limited leases in California. They were often turned away by Caucasian landlords when they were attempting to find housing. …

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…the interviewers because of our lack of knowledge in the English language. I believe my generation, the second generation of Vietnamese immigrants, are still struggling to be part of the American society even today. I also believe the Asian community will become an important part of American culture and will have the ability to integrate peacefully, collectively, and with sustenance to raise their family and show America they can enjoy an Asian culture and society.