Korean film

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Nowhere to Hide, is an action/art film, . Its style, humor, cinematography, and endless invention combine to make watching it an great experience. Lee Myung-sae has made some fascinating films in the past, many of which, such as My Love, My Bride and First Love, have tackled issues of love and marriage. This, his sixth film, draws its inspiration from a more abstract source. "In a Monet painting," Lee says, "the theme is not the …

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…rooftops. The film's excitement springs not so much from its action or humor; but rather from the cinematic invention which we feel in every scene. I love the ending, hunter and hunted face each other, night literally transforms into day (with the viewer hardly noticing), rain pours down through the sunshine, and in the melee that follows we are given a simple closing to the elaborate searches and deceptions that have run throughout the film.