Korean War's impact on US.

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Essay Database > History
The invasion of South Korea by North Korea came as a complete surprise to the US; Dean Rusk of the State Department had told Congress on June 20 that no war was likely. However, a CIA report in early March had predicted a June invasion. US officials had previously publicly stated that America would not fight over Korea, and that the country was outside of American concern in the Pacific. This attitude may have encouraged the …

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…million men as well as overseas military bases and powerful new weapons like the long-range B-52 bomber"(Leckie 89). Moreover, the country now had a stockpile of 750 nuclear warheads, an increase of 600 in two years. The public also supported Truman's decisive actions in Korea, overlooking the fact that he never sought or received a declaration of war from Congress. Truman's independent action enhanced the power of the presidency and laid the foundation for later undeclared wars.