Korea Movies Reaction Paper - Movie1: Arirang; Movie2: Tae Guk Gi - Brotherhood of War. Mainly focused on personal reactions, such as why you like/dislike the movies.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Movie 1: Arirang The documentary has two parts, "The Korean American Journey," which covers the community's history from 1903 to about 1960, and "The Korean American Dream," which continues the story through the present. The film begins the story of how and why, in less than three years in the early 1900s, more than 7,000 Koreans left their strife-torn homeland for new lives on the sugar plantations of Hawaii. The film is more than just another tale of a …

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…it, but it is also a fact that those, whom soldiers protect, simply can't understand the soldiers or why it is that they must do some of what they do. As the war in Tae Guk Gi becomes one of brother against brother, the conflict between the sensitive, intellectual Jin-Seok and the simple, tough, and increasingly brutal Jin-Tae starts to look a bit like the clashes between soldiers and their critics in our own time.