Klu Klux Klan

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Essay Database > History
Murders, acts of violence, arson, rape, shootings, and "severe and inhumaine beatings" all caused because of the belief of white supremecy all started in 1866. A social club called the Ku Klux Klan was formed in 1866 by six young Confederate war veterans in Tennessee. This soical club for white supremicists was distinguished by elaborate rituals, hooded costumes and secret passwords. The Klan name came from the Greek word kuklos, meaning circle, and the English word clan. …

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…lot of political power and changed the way many things should have happened. The Ku Klux Klan were very influencial in the Union and still continue to be influencial in the United States of America. The KKK has had three main waves; civil war times, earyly 1900's and now the third wave, the present. The KKK will contiue to operate in Sociecity as long as some members of socieity continue to believe in white supremecy.