Klansman and Dictator

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Essay Database > History
The Ku Klux Klan was very prominent and active in Southern Illinois in the 1920s. Many head officials and authorities were sympathizers of the Klan or part of the Klan themselves. However, one might ask how the Klan rose to such a high position in this area of the country during the time period, especially in the town of Herrin, Illinois. Because the Klan promised many different improvements to the people of Herrin, the Klan …

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…e most part, the Klan was a common sight in Illinois around the time period of the 1920s. Without much disapproval or anti-Klan movements, the KKK easily controlled and influenced the south because of its beliefs. These beliefs of hatred against immigrants and extreme patriotism, led the Klan to a position of power. However, in the end, it will be the abuse of this power that will lead to the down coming of the Klan.