Kiwibank - Market Planning Assignment

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Kiwibank Limited is a government owned bank of New Zealand established in 2001. Kiwibank has established itself as a relatively small player targeting private individuals, families, family trusts, and self-employed as well as clients from government and non-profit organisations. Kiwibank has established over 250 branches throughout New Zealand and is attracting 500 new customers daily. To help deal with this rapid growth and successfully be profitable Kiwibank needs to implement a successful marketing plan to make …

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…Such as SMS banking accepted by the new younger market will increase market share if they introduce this concept early. A new market for Kiwibank will also be businesses that require banking accounts to manage their funds. This new market requires a new type of product to be developed so that Kiwibank can deal with businesses and implement business-to-business marketing techniques to attract customers from this new market and to maintain healthy relationships with them.