Kings highway history.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The quotation, Life is either a daring adventure or nothing, was once said by Helen Keller a true hero. In order to appreciate Texas history you must understand that the Texan territory was an adventurous journey that few early frontiersmen and travelers survived. Like most other "new lands", the land that has become Texas was explored and settled first from the coastline on the Gulf of Mexico and then overland from both East and West …

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…placed at approximately 5 mile intervals. Through years the highway has developed the nation by a well-known knowledgeable road that has allowed states to set boundaries and the easy way of transportation of services or goods. The past is what creates a concrete base for the future. The historical markers located on HWY 21 are a daily reminder of the past and the struggles of our founding fathers, a stone hedge was the least we could do.