King Oedipus - Psychological Evaluation

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Dear King Oedipus, After conducting a series of interviews and examining your personal life experiences I have come to certain conclusions about your psychological condition. While I find no permanent cure for your decease, I would like to offer a few recommendations for your future treatment. Unfortunately, your diagnosis is not just the physical blindness, but intellectual blindness as well. The intellectual blindness in your case can be broken down into two components: your ability …

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…on this problem. Do not forget that your life revolves primarily around series of events caused by many people's insight or lack there of. You failed to see how you became caught up in a web of cruel destiny that you could not escape. By choosing blindness over death, you acted out the last of the prophecy. You have to understand that sight is not seeing, and often those without sight see what others don't.