King Lear by Shakespeare

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Essay Database > Literature
In Shakespeare's play King Lear, the main character is King Lear, who starts off as a respected and powerful king. As the story progresses the king loses his power because of his own stupidity and blindness. Throughout the play, Shakespeare shows that sight does not just come from the eyes. The tragedy of this play is shown through the daughters of the king, the fool, and finally when King Lear's sanity is tested. <…

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…blinded physically, when in reality Lear was just as blind figuratively. All around him for the entire play were people who loved him more than life itself, yet his passion and the madness created by that passion would not let him see. Lear's undying love is seen most of all when we are give the extremely vivid mental picture of a despondent father carrying his dead daughter in his arms, tears streaming down his face.