King Lear is a play about conflict between parents and children. Discuss this theme and one other of your choice.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Conflict is a major theme in Shakespeare's play King Lear. The conflict between parents and children is what makes up most of this theme. Lear is often having arguments with his three daughters, Regan, Goneril and Cordelia. The theme of "loyalty" is also one that stands out and has a large affect on the play. The tragedy begins with one of the most prominent arguments of the play. In the opening scene Lear decides that …

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…and follow his master. (V iii 322-323: " I have a journey, sir, shortly to go. My Master calls me; I must not say no.") Both themes of conflict and loyalty outlined have a major influence on the play and how the reader interprets it. Without the conflict between Lear and his daughters the play wouldn't have the same strength of spite. Without the loyalty there would be no reconciliation between the parents and their children.