King Lear commentary

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Essay Database > Literature > English
King Lear Commentary - Act I. King Lear Commentary provides a comprehensive description of every act with explanations and translations for all important quotes. Act I. Scene I. - A Room of State in King Lear's Palace. King Lear: "'tis our fast intent / To shake all cares and business from our age, / Conferring them on younger strengths, while we / Unburden'd crawl toward death." King Lear gives his kingdom to daughters Regan and Goneril whom he …

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…land. Kent explains that he cannot help in this task, for "I have a journey, sir, shortly to go; / My master calls me, I must not say no" (Line 324). Albany ends this tragedy with insight: "The weight of this sad time we must obey; / Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say. The oldest hath [has] borne [suffered] most: we that are young, / Shall never see so much, nor live so long" (Line 328).