King Arthur and Merlin Fact or Fiction? This essay is about wether King Arthur and Merlin were in fact real.

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
King Arthur and Merlin: Fact or Fiction? Many people have enjoyed the legendary tales of King Arthur through numerous writings and movies. With so many people reading, listening, and watching the tales of King Arthur come to life the question has been posed, "Was Arthur in fact truly real?" Although there is no conclusive evidence that King Arthur and the characters in the tales are real, there are faint hints that can answer the question. …

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…Oct. 2003 <>. Myths and Legends. 20 Oct. 2003 < myths.php?sid=fdb7e79c17bfc98161ab6e0837672e8c>. Phillips, Graham, and Martin Keatman. King Arthur The True Story. London: Century Random House, 1992. Sources for the Existence of King Arthur. 20 Oct. 2003 <>. White, Richard. King Arthur In Legend and History. London: The Orion Publishing Group, 1997.