Kim IL Sung: Prodigy of Human Thinking By: University Press of the Pacific

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Essay Database > History
Kim IL Sung, the Communist unifier of Korea, made a great impact on the world as a whole. He formed a new nation almost single-handedly and started a communist government that lasts to this day. On April 15, 1912 Kim IL Sung was born in North Korea, the eldest of three sons by a village couple named Kim Hyonh Jik and Kang Pan Sok. Kim and his family immigrated to Manchuria in the 1920's like many Korean …

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…to him to the point of dying in battle to reunite the people of Korea as an independent nation. Thought he held many controversial ideas that are still fought over today, Kim IL Sung held many qualities that are still admired and emulated by modern military leaders. In conclusion, Kim IL sung was a great military mind who was able to defeat the seemingly more powerful Japanese forces to reclaim Korea for its native people.