Kim Cambell: A Dark Era in Canadian Politics - deals with the failures of Kim Cambell's government and her scandalous campaigning tactics.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
From Confederation in1867 and right through 136 years to the present, Canada has had some of the brightest, most sensible, most moral, and effective leaders that can be found at the helm of any nation. Sir John A. McDonald built the transcontinental railroad, Laurier lead Canada through prosperity, Lester Pearson who brought peace, and Trudeau who brought the Constitution back from Britain. Unfortunately, we also had our share of the most ignorant, corrupt, mislead, and plain …

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…d fatal to her political career. Thus, throughout Canada?s 136 year history, never has such a poor leader acted as Prime Minister as Kim Campbell. She was foolish, did not contribute to Canada in any significant way, and was not the one Canadians wanted in office. She horribly bungled her job and betrayed the hopes of the many Canadians who sighed in relief when Mulroney resigned. All in all, Kim Campbell failed her country.