"Killings" by Andre Dubus's,.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Killings Revenge, loss and consequences are explored in Andre Dubus's, "Killings". A jealous husband, angered by the fact that his estranged wife is involved in a new relationship, acts out in a presumable crime of passion and murders the man she was seeing. As a result of this crime, a father suffers the loss of his son and plots retaliation, which results in the killing of his son's murderer. Both men experience a loss and …

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…feel forever isolated, and the lives of Ruth and the Fowler children have been deeply affected by these crimes. Two very different men experience similar feelings of loss, revenge and consequence in this story. Both men commit an act of murder and both pay a high price in the end. One man's sentence is death; the other's is profound isolation. Neither life is left unaltered. This story is a lesson in passion, crime and morality.