Killing Time in Carter County.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
As they lay in wait, as if hunting for a deer, they are all thinking about the circumstances that have brought them to this point. How could they stand by as their family was being killed off, one by one, like vermin? Is it not a matter of honor? How could they call themselves a man if they do not defend what is theirs? They all know the only thing to do is to kill …

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…This is the final chapter in the Underwood War. A tragic series of events that occurred in western Carter County during the years of 1877-78 and encompassing many a family. Many of the descendents of these warring factions still live in the area. The accounts that are told differ drastically from one side to the other. Politics still play a strong role in eastern Kentucky but thank God such differences no longer lead to bloodshed.