"Killer Angels" written by Michael Shaara

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Killer Angels Michael Shaara Publishing Date: 1974 Pages: <Tab/>355 <Tab/>The whole story of Killer Angels is about the Civil War. How the North and South fought against each other in one of the biggest battles in U.S. history The Battle of Gettysburg and many more. It begins when the Confederates are afraid that the Union soldiers are moving too close to their camp so they decide …

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…next two days but in the end the Confederates are beaten by the Unions. There isn't really any way that the Confederates can recover from this huge loss that they had suffered so Lee and General Chamberlain head back to their camp and move toward the river. Chamberlain decides that he needs to send his brother away because he doesn't feel he can make the best decisions with his brother as one of the soldiers.