Kent State Incident.

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Essay Database > History > World History
America Kills Its Children" - Kent State Incident : May 4, 1970 Following Richard Nixon's annoucement on April 30 of the invasion of Cambodia and the need to draft 150,000 more soldiers for the Vietnam War effort, protesters started antiwar rallies at Kent State. On May 4. 1970, a group of National Guardsmen fired a volley of shots that killed 4 students and wounded 9 on the Campus of Kent State University in Ohio. It was the bloodiest incident in the history of campus …

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…Bills, the deaths of four students on May 4, 1970, were more than the loss of innocence, less than the rupture of the fabric of American society. The Kent State shootings clearly will not be forgotten: they comprise an obligatory referent in every textbook commentary on the Vietnam War. As said Scott Bills, remembering "Kent State" is one step toward remembering a past that is complex and whole, one step toward reconstructing a present that is meaningful.