Kennedys involvment in the cold war

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Kennedy was born In 1935, Brookline, Massachusetts, son of Joseph P. Kennedy. He studied at London School of Economics, then attended Princeton University, but was force to leave later due to the attack of jaundice. He then attended Harvard University. After graduating Harvard, he applied for the US army but was rejected due to the back injuries he had sustained from a previous football game while he was attended. After a year of training, he applied …

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…pilots were urged not to engage in combat. Slowly but surely the war in Vietnam was building up despite Kennedy's best efforts. After the events that occurred with the burning monks, Kennedy was convinced the Ngo Dinh Diem would never unite South Vietnamese against communism. After several Failed attempts to overthrow Diem, the CIA handed over 40,000$ to Vietnamese generals to cause a coup and overthrow Diem. The Coup Succeeded and Diem was killed later on.