Kennedy assasination

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Essay Database > History
It's the most controversial cases in American history. Did Lee Harvey Oswald in fact kill President Kennedy alone, or was there a conspiracy involved? And if there was a conspiracy was Oswald involved? Most Americans believe that indeed there was a conspiracy and there is more to the story than what the government would like the public to know. Almost immediately following this assasination there has been numerous theories presented which contradict the governments story. …

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…This man is Jack Ruby the man who killed Lee Harvey Oswald. On November 24, 1963 just days following the Kennedy assasination Jack Ruby shot and killed Oswald while being transfered to a city prison. Conspiracy theorist are quick to claim this as an attempt to silence a framed Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald never did admit to assasinating Kennedy and so there was never any true closure in this case leaving this story open for continuos speculation.