Kennedy, John Fitzgerald

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Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-1963), was the youngest man ever elected president, and he was the youngest ever to die in office. He was shot to death on Nov. 22, 1963, after two years and 10 months as chief executive. The world mourned Kennedy's death, and presidents, premiers, and members of royalty walked behind the casket at his funeral. Kennedy was succeeded as president by Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson. First televised debate Kennedy, a Democrat, won the presidency …

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…States House of Representatives reexamined the evidence surrounding the assassination. The committee accepted the testimony of acoustical (sound) experts who claimed that shots were fired from two locations along the motorcade at almost the same time. In 1978, the committee concluded that Kennedy "was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy." But other authorities strongly disputed the committee's conclusion. In 1982, the National Research Council, a scientific research organization, also disagreed with the House committee's finding.