Kennedy Assasination

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Essay Database > History > North American History
November 22, 1963, the day that most Americans alive at the time will remember forever. It is a day when one of the most loved Presidents of the United States of America was shot and killed. President Kennedy was an inspirational president, a motivational speaker and a devoted father. His assassination is one of many unanswered questions and many peculiar events, and many Americans would like the truth. Almost everyone in the nation does not agree with …

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…New York; Carroll and Graf Publishers; 1989. 3. Zirbel, Craig I.; The Texas Connection; Scottsdale, Arizona; The Texas Connection Co.; 1991. 4. The World Book Encyclopedia; 'Kennedy, John F.'; Chicago; Field Enterprises Educational Corporation; 1966. 5. Warren Commition; The Warren Report; U.S.A.; The Associated Press; 1964. 6. Kunhardt Jr., Philip B.; LIFE in Camelot; Boston; Little, Brown and Company; 1988. 7. Summers, Anthony; Conspiracy; New York; McGraw-Hill Book Company; 1989. 8. Garrison, Jim; On the Trail of the Assasins; New York; Warner Books, INC.; 1988.