Keeping Our Free Speech

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Keeping Our Free Speech The first and probably the most important Amendment from The Bill of Rights clearly states that: Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech (World Book Encyclopedia). Since the beginning of time America has been seen as the land of opportunity, the sole reason why many people immigrated here from all over the world is that it was a place of freedom, free from persecutions and unjust rulings. Being …

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…to be changed under any circumstances. For the reasons mentioned above I feel that it is in our duties as citizens to protect free speech. If we fail to do this it will be the same as digging our own traps which we would later fall into. By redefining free speech Ozymko 4 our nation will loose the sole purpose of its existence; one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** none